
Friday, February 18, 2011

No output from Eclipse

How to obtain output from C++ code through Eclipse with the following specs:
- Windows 7
- Eclipse + CDT package
- 64 bit machine
- 64 bit JDK

1) Project->Properties->Run/Debug Settings, choose the .exe file and press "Edit"
2) In the "Environment" tag, press "New", set it as:


Monday, February 14, 2011

OpenAFS, "The RPC server is unavailable"

This post is for those who
- have a 64-bit machine with windows 7
- installed openAFS and Kerberos 64-bit
- have the whole AFS token system working fine BUT
- keep receiving "The RPC server is unavailable" message upon accessing the AFS directory.

Solution: (worked for me)
- Remove two lines corresponding to your AFS location in C:\Program Files\OpenAFS\Client\CellServDB. For some reason in my case the ip was specified to something bad and kept AFS confusing.