
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Add Boost to Xcode

I have installed Boost library but Xcode still nags about not finding it.

I am writing this based on XCode 4.4.1. It should be similar to other versions.
1. Click on your project on the left side of XCode
2. Click on the tab Build Settings if it is not selected by default
3. Click on All tab if it is not selected by default
4. Under Header Search Paths Click + for both your Debug and Release directories and add Boost directory (for example /usr/local/boost_1_51_0

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The voice button has disappeard from my keyboard on iphone 4s

Problem:I can see the voice button on my iphone 4S keyboard.

Restart your phone by holding the top button for 5 seconds and then pushing it for 1 second.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Algorithm2e and natbib problem



results in:
  *Bibliography is shown instead of References in the beginning of the reference page.

Solution: Simply reverse the order


Found the solution here.